When They See Us

I recently watched Ava Duvernay’s, “When They See Us.” As I watched, I cried and cried and cried again. So many times, I wanted to pause and stop watching but I just couldn’t stop. Each episode was filled with so much deep hurt and pain. I saw my husband, my sons, my nephews, my cousins and I am angry. I am afraid every time my phone rings. Yes, I know for all you holier than thou folks saying it’s not of God to live in fear, I know that. When they see ALL black men as thugs, murderers, rapist, you can’t help but to get angry and be afraid for their lives. Then I started thinking how do THEY see me? How do they see this black woman from North Charleston, SC.

I realize there are things that I can control and of course there are things I CANNOT. When they see me, what will they see? There is an old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” I want to ensure that when I encounter “them” I will do my part. I will live, act and be the person that God has called me to be regardless of how “they” view me. I will project the image of a God loving educated black woman. They will see a POWERFILLED woman that is goal oriented and passionate about helping others.

They see an angry black woman….You are a strong black woman.

They see a ghetto black woman…You are prosperous.

They see a ratchet black woman… You are modest.

They see a brash black woman…You are humble.

They see a bougie black woman…You are high class.

Self awareness is the key to begin to change who you are. The goal is simply to be the best you and “they” will realize who and whose you are or they won’t. The point is focus on what we can control.

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